Drag & drop de-scheduling

  • actualitzat
  • Fixed

Hello Weekplan team/Aymeric,

I'd like to know if the drag & drop functionality for de-scheduling tasks on the web app is now permanently removed, or if it will be coming back.

As I've said in a previous post, it was super easy and convenient in the past to de-schedule a task. A simple, single click, drag and drop - done.

Now it takes 6 clicks to de-schedule a task.

Please could you confirm if this is an intentional UX choice or a bug that is yet to be fixed, it was unclear on the other post.

Web app
Quote from Geeta

Hi there,

My sincere apologies for the delayed reply. We have worked hard to fix this issue, and we're pleased to let you know that the fix is now pending release. We expect the release to be completed within 1-2 days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope this resolves your issue and please don't hesitate to reach out if you need any additional assistance.



Support Team | Week Plan 

Hi Geeta & WP team,

Just wanted to say thanks again for this fix. Tested today and working great as it used to. Makes a big difference to me, much appreciated!

  • Fixed