Can´t unsuscribe

  • uuendatud
  • Fixed

Hey there! As I achieve an overall of 5 goals per day, I´m getting my inbox full of "task completed" emalis. Personally I find this quite annoying, but as I click the unsuscribe button I get the "(link) took too long to load" erro message. Tried this in mi PC and mobile phone and i get the same error.

plz helpppp

ps. btw my life is getting much easier with weekplan, thanks a lot to all the team involved :)

Boo L.
  • Fixed
Aymeric Founder
Quote from javo no

It´s fixed now! I reckon. No more emails now :)

Thanks a lot!

good thanks :)

javo no

It´s fixed now! I reckon. No more emails now :)

Thanks a lot!

Aymeric Founder
Quote from javo no

Yep. It says "Just me" next to weekplan logo, and I always use the same google account.

Email message reads "JavoNo has marked the task 'Miguel couchsurfing' as completed.Show task in Week Plan.(If you do not want to receive any notification from WEEK PLAN in the future, you can unsubscribe at any time.)"


Yes it is a bug we are going to fix this.

javo no

Yep. It says "Just me" next to weekplan logo, and I always use the same google account.

Email message reads "JavoNo has marked the task 'Miguel couchsurfing' as completed.Show task in Week Plan.(If you do not want to receive any notification from WEEK PLAN in the future, you can unsubscribe at any time.)"


Aymeric Founder
  • Fixed

Are you the only one in the workspace? You should be receiving the email only if a different user completes the task...