
Fit All, Resize

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Two options. One to collapse each of the weekday / goals / parked rows so that I can see the other rows only. I Just noticed the collapse buttons. Because I was scrolled down a bit I didn't see them...

An option where all rows are shown partially so that they all fit on screen, and to view each you have to scroll down the row (or the day)

And an option to resize each of the rows at will.

Aymeric Founder
  • Under review

I will introduce the goals in the sidebar this week, so you will only have to deal with week / parking lot with the scrollbar.


It would be really great if you could collapse each day independently. So if my work week is Tues-Sat I can collaps Sun and Mon and still see the other days plus the Pending column. This would be awesome!

Aymeric Founder
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