Enter start time using entry line

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I would like to set the start time using the entry line, just like you can set the duration with ~.

For example: Task @Self !2 ~30m 19:00h

The task would then last from 19:00-19:30h

Currently you can set the time, but in a time-window: 19:00-20:00, which is much less convenient.

But if I already entered a duration, all I need is a start time! It already works this way in the task window, so it should be possible to implement this in the entry line.

Aymeric Founder
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Hi Remco, you can already do that. Please refer to this page: http://support.weekplan.net/topics/1789-how-to-add-new-task/

Basically you can say "Remember the milk 2pm-3pm" or 14:00-15:00


Indeed, that is how I currently do it. However my workflow is a follows: first I assign durations to tasks, then I plan my task/week.


"Remember the milk 14:00-15:00"

"Remember the milk ~1h 14:00"

Then second option allows you to estimate the duration, then plan the task. The first options requires you to do both, which requires more mental effort. Perhaps a small difference but the amount of times I have to enter it makes this makes it count.

Aymeric Founder
Citation de Remco

Indeed, that is how I currently do it. However my workflow is a follows: first I assign durations to tasks, then I plan my task/week.


"Remember the milk 14:00-15:00"

"Remember the milk ~1h 14:00"

Then second option allows you to estimate the duration, then plan the task. The first options requires you to do both, which requires more mental effort. Perhaps a small difference but the amount of times I have to enter it makes this makes it count.

So you are saying you want to enter a new task "Remember the milk ~1h 14:00" instead of "Remember the milk 14:00-15:00"?


Precisely, if I then later change my mind and need to change the starting time of a task, this is faster as well.

Aymeric Founder
Citation de Remco

Precisely, if I then later change my mind and need to change the starting time of a task, this is faster as well.

OK thanks for the clarification

Ana Loraine
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