Creating a repeating task creates a duplicate task that is not repeating

  • updated
  • Fixed

I really love the idea of WeekPlan and subscribed to a Pro plan but the bugs are driving me insane and it is making it incredibly frustrating to use the app. Especially when it comes with creating, editing and deleting a repeating task. That function simple does not work well.

Now when I create a new repeating task it creates a duplicate that is not a repeating task but that appears every day of the week (like single occurrences that happen daily) in addition to the repeating task.


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Aymeric Founder
  • Under review
Quote from Nightshade

I have those. I now have up to fifteen duplicates on a single day

This should not happen anymore now. Did it happen in the last 24 hours?


Tasks not moving to next day, tasks repeating that shouldn't be repeating, duplicated tasks, can't delete repeating tasks. I'm on a pro plan too, I REALLY want this to work well. I would rather no more features added until all the bugs were fixed because it feels almost unusable right now. I have voted for as many bugs as I can but there's just too many at this point.


I have those. I now have up to fifteen duplicates on a single day