Creating a repeating task creates a duplicate task that is not repeating
I really love the idea of WeekPlan and subscribed to a Pro plan but the bugs are driving me insane and it is making it incredibly frustrating to use the app. Especially when it comes with creating, editing and deleting a repeating task. That function simple does not work well.
Now when I create a new repeating task it creates a duplicate that is not a repeating task but that appears every day of the week (like single occurrences that happen daily) in addition to the repeating task.
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Satisfaction mark by melcontreras28 8 jaar geleden
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I haven't been game to look into the future and check how many weeks have huge lists of duplicates spawned by each of my many repeating tasks. A way to mass-delete, or some kind of reset and repopulate, would be a boon...
Yes we are looking into this.