Somewhat slow

  • uuendatud
  • Lõpetatud

Hey Aymeric (or collegae)!

When working with Weekplan it feels a little slow/sluggish. I'm not talking about waiting for a long time, but in this day and age even a few seconds feels long (which might not actually be a good thing, but hey). I'm not entirely sure whether this is something new, perhaps it creeped up slowly, but anyway, these are the times I get for often used actions per browser.


Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 5

Random day in calendar 5-8

Internet Explorer

Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 4

Random day in calendar 3-4


Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 4

Random day in calendar 3-4

It worries me somewhat that my favourite browser is actually slower, but even 3-4 seconds feels sluggish.

If this is normal behaviour, then perhaps it might be a good idea to improve loading times?

If there's anything I can do to speed up (especially in Chrome) then I'd love to know!

Boo L.
  • Lõpetatud

Thank you :) We look forward to receiving feedback from you once we have the new version available.

Have a great day!


Good to hear (both about the growth and the performance)!

I'm from the Netherlands.

Aymeric Founder
Quote from Rudeboxer

Hey Aymeric,

These are the times I clocked on the next version (I left out Internet Explorer this time because it seemed comparable to Edge):


Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 3-5

Random day in calendar 3-4


Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 5

Random day in calendar 6

So there's some increase in speed for Chrome, but the initial loading speed still isn't lightning fast.

I did notice however that whenever I revisit a week within the same browser session it does load lightning fast (basically no loading at all), so that's definitely an improvement!

We are expecting to see growth this year, and we will have to upgrade our server infrastructure to cater for it, so we will improve the performance overall.

Remind me which country you are from?


Hey Aymeric,

These are the times I clocked on the next version (I left out Internet Explorer this time because it seemed comparable to Edge):


Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 3-5

Random day in calendar 3-4


Action Time (in seconds)

Switching weeks 5

Random day in calendar 6

So there's some increase in speed for Chrome, but the initial loading speed still isn't lightning fast.

I did notice however that whenever I revisit a week within the same browser session it does load lightning fast (basically no loading at all), so that's definitely an improvement!

Aymeric Founder
  • Ülevaatamisel

Could you please do the same test using this url? (same credentials)

This is the upcoming version of weekplan and I wonder how it compares for you.