iOS doesn't allow to filter tasks

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While in the webapp we can filter tasks and I can choose from a smaller list tasks that I must talk with people, in the iOS app there are no filters and no search

Boo L.
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Aymeric Founder
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Citation de alexandremrj

But the good thing about having an iOS app is to be able to filter about agendas and stuff like that when I bump to someone

Alexandre, the iOS app is actually developed by an independent developer that doesn't work for us.

I will pass on your feedback.


But the good thing about having an iOS app is to be able to filter about agendas and stuff like that when I bump to someone

Boo L.

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out. The iOS app is not as updated as the Web app and some features may not be available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Let us know if there is anything else that we may assist you with.