Will there ever be a Mac App Desktop Version?

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Love the idea, but will there be a real desktop Version, i just like to a have seperate App to organize all my stuff, and in case of slow Wifi.

Ana Loraine
Quote from Uniquetadpole

I posted in another thread about the whitescreen on the phone after I posted here. You have it listed as under review I believe so I am knowing it will be resolved soon.

Thank you for letting us know.

We have responded to your other post. We have informed our dev team and waiting for their feedback. :) 

Quote from Ana Loraine

Hi there! 

Thank you for voting on this.

We do not have this on our priority list at the moment but keep the votes coming. :)

Regarding your phone app, may we ask what's not working? Perhaps you can give us a screenshot for reference? 

We'll be more than happy to check this further.  You may submit a ticket (in private) if you are not comfortable sharing the screenshot in this post.

Looking forward to your response!

I posted in another thread about the whitescreen on the phone after I posted here. You have it listed as under review I believe so I am knowing it will be resolved soon.

Ana Loraine
Quote from Uniquetadpole

I vote for one... right now I am using my friends computer (I own a macbook pro) and my phone and for some reason my phone app is only working sometimes but I think weekplan is the bomb and exactly what I need to keep me organized enough to actually get things done that I want to do. I am still on the trial version but will be purchasing it as long as I can make sure it will work for me in every aspect that I need it to... I am learning everyday new things it does that I am wanting. I am hoping the phone issue is just a matter of some sort of setting that I need to change.

Hi there! 

Thank you for voting on this.

We do not have this on our priority list at the moment but keep the votes coming. :)

Regarding your phone app, may we ask what's not working? Perhaps you can give us a screenshot for reference? 

We'll be more than happy to check this further.  You may submit a ticket (in private) if you are not comfortable sharing the screenshot in this post.

Looking forward to your response!


I vote for one... right now I am using my friends computer (I own a macbook pro) and my phone and for some reason my phone app is only working sometimes but I think weekplan is the bomb and exactly what I need to keep me organized enough to actually get things done that I want to do. I am still on the trial version but will be purchasing it as long as I can make sure it will work for me in every aspect that I need it to... I am learning everyday new things it does that I am wanting. I am hoping the phone issue is just a matter of some sort of setting that I need to change.


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Add my vote for a Mac OSX app.

Aymeric Founder
  • Under review

A native macosx app is not part of our roadmap. We will add it if enough people ask for it.