Fix Google Chrome extension link in the app.

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Tilfredshedsangivelse af Mia Carlsen 10 år siden

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Aymeric Founder
Quote from Mia Carlsen
The link just didn't work to push. It didn't do anything. I have been looking for the extention in google's store, and found it, so i have it now, but the button in the app didn't work at all. 
Cool thanks, I will fix the link in the app.
Mia Carlsen
The link just didn't work to push. It didn't do anything. I have been looking for the extention in google's store, and found it, so i have it now, but the button in the app didn't work at all. 
Aymeric Founder
Hi Mia, why doesn't the chrome app extension work? What happens when you try using it?
This is how it should look like: