Duplicate tasks appearing randomly

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When I am dragging and dropping tasks they randomly duplicate themselves and sometimes even overwrite other tasks when doing so! I have instances where I see each task on a day has duplicated itself 3 times. 

I love weekplan, but this is really annoying and making it unreliable. Suggestions/bugfixes will be really appreciated.

PS: I am not using any modifier keys while dragging the tasks, and I am on Chrome.

Aymeric Founder
Quote from asph

Thank you very much. Indeed, the random duplication of tasks happen less often now. However, it still does; for instance, when I complete a task, sometimes it remains at its current location in the list (instead of moving itself to the bottom), and if I drag another task in this situation it duplicates itself. I am not entirely sure, but I think sometimes the tasks do not only get copied but also overwrite each other. I will try to get a screencast for you if I can find time this week.

Duplications are a bug in our drag and drop code. If you refresh, the list should show the correct tasks. If you figure out a way to reproduce the issue, please let me know, it will greatly help me.


By the way, I am using Weekplan zoomed out (in Chrome); perhaps this could be related to the issue. 


Thank you very much. Indeed, the random duplication of tasks happen less often now. However, it still does; for instance, when I complete a task, sometimes it remains at its current location in the list (instead of moving itself to the bottom), and if I drag another task in this situation it duplicates itself. I am not entirely sure, but I think sometimes the tasks do not only get copied but also overwrite each other. I will try to get a screencast for you if I can find time this week.

Aymeric Founder
Quote from asph

Yes, I have two recurring tasks which are set to re-occur weekly. 

Sorry for taking so long to come back to you. The bug should not happen anymore. Something I have noticed when dragging a recurring task is that it shows a duplicated task while dragging and when I drop the task the duplicated task disappears. 


Yes, I have two recurring tasks which are set to re-occur weekly. 

Aymeric Founder


Do you have recurring tasks in your week?