
My iCal is not syncing with Weekplan online?

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I have created google diary dates, and it is not pushing thorugh to Weekplan.

I have tried to unsync and resync and it is still not loading?

Web app


Any feedback - it has stopped working and is effecting my weeks

Ana Loraine
  • Wird überprüft
Quote from eamonsullivan


Any feedback - it has stopped working and is effecting my weeks

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out and we are sorry to hear about this.

May we ask if you are using a Google Account with your ical? 

Just to clarify, are you referring to the Google Sync feature?

Looking forward to your response.


Yes it is a google iCal that is a google account (gmail) linked to it.

IT synced in bulk today but it was the first time it synced in the past 4 days.

Now I add events and it isn'y pulling through again?

I have tried manually snycing and nothing is working again?

Ana Loraine
Quote from eamonsullivan

Yes it is a google iCal that is a google account (gmail) linked to it.

IT synced in bulk today but it was the first time it synced in the past 4 days.

Now I add events and it isn'y pulling through again?

I have tried manually snycing and nothing is working again?


Thank you for the response.

Please be advised that there is an ongoing issue with the sync.

Our dev team is working on fixing this issue. We will notify you as soon as the update is availabel.

Thank you for understanding.