"resource not found" after browser inactivity

  • aktualisiert
  • Fixed
Hi Aymeric,

Desired Outcome
* clicks on "done" button of task
* task is crossed out, bell sound played, and task moved to the bottom of the list

Bug Description
* clicks on "done" button of task
* task is crossed out, bell sound played, and task moved to the bottom of the list
* "Resource not found" pop up appears (see screenshot)Image 86
* clicks "Reload" button
* Page reloads
* task reappears at original position, not crossed out
* clicks on "done" button of task
* task is crossed out, bell sound played, and task moved to the bottom of the list

How to Duplicate
Leave browser inactive for quite a while. This problem recurs regularly.

Browser Used
http://whatsmybrowser.org/b/U67REJ4 Chrome 41


Aymeric Founder
Quote from Chris Russi

Here is a better snapshot:

The screenshot was really helpful! it seems that the cross browser code is not working for you. We will look at it.

Chris Russi

Hi Aymeric,

When I got home I found that I am not seeing that error currently. The errors I reported earlier were from my work. They have us behind a proxy server. Could that be an issue? I googled that error and on stack overflow they were saying it had something to do with missing header information dealing with CORS.

Best regards,


Aymeric Founder
Quote from Chris Russi

Hi Aymeric,

When I got home I found that I am not seeing that error currently. The errors I reported earlier were from my work. They have us behind a proxy server. Could that be an issue? I googled that error and on stack overflow they were saying it had something to do with missing header information dealing with CORS.

Best regards,


Interesting! I wonder if the proxy does cause problem. Where I am right now there is a proxy but it doesn't cause any issue. Maybe your proxy remove some headers somehow?

Chris Russi

Hi Aymeric,

Here is some information that might also be helpful. I can access weekplan.net from Firefox behind the same proxy server. But, not Chrome and IE11. Not sure if that helps, but, when connecting to weekplan.net through Firefox is did ask me to add different urls to the "safe" list. I did so and it is working, so, this is an ok work-a-round for me.