
Tracking time subtasks

  • updated
  • Under review


I really miss that I can track time on my subtasks AND seeing the time spent on them. Actually I see only time displayed on the parent- task...

Thanks so far


Ana Loraine
  • Under review

Hi, Kamut!

Thank you for the suggestion.

You can also use the timer with the subtasks.


Hi -

I was about to post a similar suggestion. I think the issue here is that you can track time for subtasks, but the time from the subtasks is not totaled so that you can see how much time you've spent overall on the parent task.

For instance, I have one larger parent task (e.g., finish chapter of dissertation) that has many smaller subtasks (e.g., draft outline, finish literature review, complete analyses, etc.). If you click on the parent task, the "total time tracked" only refers to the time I've entered in the parent task (orange box below) and does not count the time tracked within the subtasks (red boxes - you can't see all my subtasks here, but they total to much more than 18 hours). I want the time tracked to be the total of these items.

Related to this - I'm having issues with the time tracked resetting itself to 24 hours after I get to 25 hours of time tracked. Is there a way to fix this??


Ana Loraine
Quote from k8millerbains

Hi -

I was about to post a similar suggestion. I think the issue here is that you can track time for subtasks, but the time from the subtasks is not totaled so that you can see how much time you've spent overall on the parent task.

For instance, I have one larger parent task (e.g., finish chapter of dissertation) that has many smaller subtasks (e.g., draft outline, finish literature review, complete analyses, etc.). If you click on the parent task, the "total time tracked" only refers to the time I've entered in the parent task (orange box below) and does not count the time tracked within the subtasks (red boxes - you can't see all my subtasks here, but they total to much more than 18 hours). I want the time tracked to be the total of these items.

Related to this - I'm having issues with the time tracked resetting itself to 24 hours after I get to 25 hours of time tracked. Is there a way to fix this??



Thank you for reaching out.

I have forwarded this to our dev team for further checking. I will get back to you as soon as I receive a feedback.