Search Results made Easier
For the search results, instead of showing one by one or filtering page by page can it show a simple list of the dates when the searched word appears?
Example search: "Meditation"
Purpose: I want to know how many times I meditated
Example results:
1/24/2016 - Meditation (highlighted) next to whatever sentence it is associated with
3/02/2015 - Meditation
2/19/2014 - Meditation
Answer: 3 times as recorded in Weekplan
Or another example
Example search: "Dental Check up"
Purpose: I want to know when is the last time I went to the dentist
Example results:
11/25/2017 - Dental Check up
Answer: The last time I went to get my teeth check was on November 2017
Is this possible? Obviously the search word should match the entry word
Great stuff, thank you!