When I click on "time tracked" instead of starting a timer, I see a drop down menu as if I had clicked on the time estimate

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  • Ikke en bug

Hello-  I LOVE Week Plan.  Thank you so much for it!  I just wanted to report that I am having trouble with the Pomodoro feature.   When I click on "time tracked" instead of starting a timer, I see a drop down menu as if I had clicked on the time estimate


Hvordan vurderer du den kundeservice, du har modtaget?

Tilfredshedsangivelse af swsrweller72 7 år siden


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Aymeric Founder

This dropdown is to manually enter the time tracked

Aymeric Founder
  • Ikke en bug

The timer can be started by clicking on the menu icon (3 dots) in the top right of the task panel.