The system just replicated every appointment 40 times in my calendar
I know have 500 entries in my calendar repeating over and over. I am about to cancel my subscription and it will take hours to get rid of all of these calendar appointments. What is going on with this and google calendar?
Web app
Hi, Dario!
Thank you for sharing.
Did you encounter this on your end again? If so, kindly send us a screenshot/screen recording of this and we'll be happy to look into this further.
I don't know if this is the same issue i saw few days ago.
If i delete a recurrent task, confirming to delete all recurring planned tasks, WP immediately replicates all appointments by the same number of deleted recurrent tasks. It's seems only a visual problem because restarting WP all goes back to normality... and deleted recurrent tasks are correctly deleted.
It saw this on browser, not tested in win app.
Hi Shane,
We checked your account & we are not seeing any duplicate tasks, can you please provide some screenshots, so we can check the issue.
Dev Team
Hi Shane,
We are looking into the issue, We will update you asap.
Dev Team