Wrong Time Zone When Synchronising With Outlook
I know that this has already been raised but I haven't seen a satisfactory fix for the problem and it seems rather fundamental to a calendar/task planning app that it synchronises with other calendars correctly. (In particular Outlook Office 365)
It was suggested in reply to another post that WeekPlan automatically selects the correct timezone but this is not the case.
I responded to that post but I don't believe I got a reply from anyone at WeekPlan (I was a rather old posting).
I am in Central Europe but the app is setting my time to Central USA time zone. Which means until this is fixed I am not able to use WeekPlan for scheduling my work activities where I have to share appointments with others via Outlook. I hope this can be resolved quickly.
Kind Regards
An Otherwise Happy User
I have done some further reading on various forums and it seems like this is a "known issue". Which means they know about it and will get around to fixing it sometime. I will just manage my appointments directly in WeekPlan rather than using the Outlook client. Once again thank you for your earlier reply, please consider this support ticket closed. Kind Regards Destwd
Hi, Destwd!
Thank you for sending those details through.
I have forwarded this to our dev team for further checking. We'll get back to you as soon as we have an update.
Thank you for understanding.