Is there a chance that roles will be broken out at the bottom again?

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Or do we have to just accept the change / move on?

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Aymeric Founder

What if we introduce a way to see all your backlog grouped by role, a bit like a user suggested, you would have three links: "Schedule Boards Roles"

Like the Boards view, you would be able to see your Schedule on the same page as the Roles board.

We would however keep the Plan of the Week as it is.

Would that solve the contention?


FYI each task is about 3-6 hours, and each day can about 3 tasks (including weekends, which usually have more--errands are key items, but take less time if you batch them). 

Aymeric Founder
Quote from eugeneyan

About 8-10 (considering it's Wednesday). 

I have 5-6 roles and a backlog of tasks for all the roles. This is similar to how the tech team works at my startup (scrum and backlog). The old view used to allow us to see all the tasks on one screen, even things that might have dropped off the radar. The new view is usable, though the screen real-estate is not being fully optimised.

If you want something similar to the old layout, you can create a new board, and have a list per role.

That way, you would see your schedule at the top and board and lists at the bottom


About 8-10 (considering it's Wednesday). 

I have 5-6 roles and a backlog of tasks for all the roles. This is similar to how the tech team works at my startup (scrum and backlog). The old view used to allow us to see all the tasks on one screen, even things that might have dropped off the radar. The new view is usable, though the screen real-estate is not being fully optimised.

Aymeric Founder
  • Under review

How many HITs do you have currently in Plan of the Week?