Why can I only see my "Important Tasks" list as a single column -- How can I get the view back that has a column for each "role?" Help!

  • actualitzat
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Previously, "Important Tasks" were viewed as a list with a column for each "role." This was visible by scrolling down from my weekly schedule and was situated directly below the weekly schedule. Please bring this back! Roles help me achieve balance. The current view is cluttered and confusing. :-(  

How can I get the old view back?!

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Ana Loraine
  • Under review


Our apologies for the confusion. 

The roles section has been moved to a different tab, right next to the schedules tab.

To know more about the recent changes on the app, kindly visit our blog post:


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have other questions or concerns. 

Aha! Thanks very much.

Ana Loraine
  • Respost
Quote from DarrylK
Aha! Thanks very much.


Hi, Darry!

You are most welcome.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have other questions or concerns.

Have a great day!