analytics not loading

  • оновлений
  • Fixed

Just get the blue screen with a blinking W on it forever. Both on laptop (windows) and imac.

Console shows following error (screenshot)
Both machines use Chrome.

Image 108


Як би ви оцінили рівень обслуговування, яке отримали?

Позначка задоволеності від Serge Claesen 9 років тому

Fast and on target solution. I feel taken care of.

Додайте коментар щодо якості обслуговування (не обов'язково):

Serge Claesen
Quote from Aymeric
That's fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

I am curious: what part of the Analytics do you use the most?
Thanks. If I'd have to pick 2:
- Role momentum helps mee see if I'm driving in the right direction
- Parking lot creep let's me know what size bagage I'm carrying

Aymeric Founder
  • Fixed
Aymeric Founder
  • Under review
That's fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

I am curious: what part of the Analytics do you use the most?