My Week Plan is 1 day late!

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My Week Plan is 1 day late! The highlighted day is Saturday, when it's already Sunday here!  It works fine before the design switch, but now it's late.

Also one of the tasks done from yesterday always becomes bigger in font. tried refreshing many times but it doesn't become uniform in size as the others, and it's nt even marked as important or anything. It's annoying. Please fix this :O

Réponses épinglées
Aymeric Founder
  • Solution

Hi Gem, 

I think you just needed to refresh your page to fix your issue with your weekplan being 1 day late. 

Is the issue solved? (sorry for the late reply)

Aymeric Founder
  • Corrigé
Aymeric Founder
  • Solution

Hi Gem, 

I think you just needed to refresh your page to fix your issue with your weekplan being 1 day late. 

Is the issue solved? (sorry for the late reply)