Can't see the items on a second workspace

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  • Naprawione
I created a second workspace (work related) and If i switch I can't see the Item. I just only change the title (workspace) ut the content doen't change, I keep seeing the to do's from my personal workspace
Ana Loraine
  • Naprawione
Quote from Aymeric
Roberto, I have added a task in your third workspace. You should be able to see when switching to that workspace.

Hi there! 

We have not received your feedback in a while. We will be closing this ticket temporarily. Please feel free to reach out if you are still having the same issue. We'll be more than happy to assist you.

Aymeric Founder
  • W trakcie analizy
Roberto, I have added a task in your third workspace. You should be able to see when switching to that workspace.
Quote from James
Try using the filter and selecting the checkbox "Only on this workspace". It helped me figure exactly what was on each workspace.
I tried but it didn't work at all, still no items from that workspace
Try using the filter and selecting the checkbox "Only on this workspace". It helped me figure exactly what was on each workspace.