As I checked in the system, it seems the task "fall home maintenance item" in 2018 was moved to High Impact task list and it wasn't scheduled. You had marked this item as completed on 19 June 2018. In week plan you can go to that week and see it in the HIT list. Let me know if it is still not visible to you.
I definitely never moved it to High Imact. I simply slid it from one date to another in the same week.
I see this task in your high Impact task list. Do you mind checking it on the mentioned week, please? Also the screenshot you shared of the console doesn't indicate any error.
I see it in the 4th week of June ( 17th June 2018 to 23rd June 2018) Please check all the completed HIT. You will get it listed there.
Steve Swaggerty
Highland Elementary School 7720 Erie Street Sylvania, Ohio, 43560
You will not see it in the planner. Please follow these steps to see the task.
Steve Swaggerty
Highland Elementary School 7720 Erie Street Sylvania, Ohio, 43560
May I ask where you moved that task ?