
Problem when I send via email a new task with subtasks who have links

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Hi Aymeric,

We are sending tasks with subtasks through the email adress weekplan provides us. The subtasks incorporate links sometimes

The links included in the subtasks, instead of being showed in the subtask, are moved to the comments section.

Instead of being showed like this:
Image 55
The link is moved to the commets section:
Image 56

Boo L.
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Aymeric Founder
Citation de Pau Valdés
Hi Aymeric, 

Have you been able to work on this issue? we are sending every week dozens of tasks automatically from an external software with links and they still don't display correctly. 
It would be great to have this issue solved.

Yes working on it. It is hard to debug because the issue is caused by the formatting of your email client. I need to log the right information to figure out what is happening.

What email client do you use?
Pau Valdés
Hi Aymeric, 

Have you been able to work on this issue? we are sending every week dozens of tasks automatically from an external software with links and they still don't display correctly. 
It would be great to have this issue solved.

Aymeric Founder
Citation de Pau Valdés
Hi Aymeric, no problem,

If you give us the right indications we can send the email differently. Just tell us how to do it and we'll try to implement it.
The task to solve this issue is actually in progress. So it may be better to wait a little longer to get the fix done so that you don't have to change your workflow.
Pau Valdés
Hi Aymeric, no problem,

If you give us the right indications we can send the email differently. Just tell us how to do it and we'll try to implement it.
Aymeric Founder
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Hi Pau,

I still haven't got to solve that problem yet. It comes from the fact the email clients turn your text email into some html content that weekplan needs to parse correctly. At the moment, weekplan uses the text only content from the incoming email where it should use the html content. 

I will try to get this fixed within the next two weeks.