Demote button doesn't show
I've been testing the Parking lot and promoted a task to today but when I want to demote it back to the Parking lot I can't see a 'Demote' button. I've tried this on a Mac in Safari and Firefox.
I've been testing the Parking lot and promoted a task to today but when I want to demote it back to the Parking lot I can't see a 'Demote' button. I've tried this on a Mac in Safari and Firefox.
Ok, thanks for letting me know. Perhaps if it's easy enough, it would be good if you could add a note to your video tutorial that it is currently not possible to demote.
There is no Demote button anymore, you need to drag the task down onto your parking lot. We are going to change that soon by putting the parking lot on a separate page, and therefore reintroducing the Demote button.