Repeating of tasks: Delete or change one single event of a series

  • actualitzat
  • Fixed
I decided to pay for the pro account because I wanted to use the feature “repeating of tasks”. Unfortunately there seem to be no possibility to change (to pull to another day, to delete etc.) just one single event of a series in a convenient way. Why isn't there a message box asking me to change just this event or the entire series? Fixing this issue would be great! Thanks!
Aymeric Founder
  • Under review
1. I have asked our team to allow to pick whether you are editing the series or one occurence.

2. There seems to be a bug where if you drag a repeating task to another day, the task reappears where it originally was. We will fix that.
Ana Loraine
  • Fixed
Quote from Aymeric
1. I have asked our team to allow to pick whether you are editing the series or one occurence.

2. There seems to be a bug where if you drag a repeating task to another day, the task reappears where it originally was. We will fix that.

Hi there! 

We have not received your feedback in a while. We will be closing this ticket temporarily. Please feel free to reach out if you are still having the same issue. We'll be more than happy to assist you.