New Boards - Can't create new lists & can't delete board

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  • Not a bug

I created a new board and then deleted the default lists. Then I tried to add new lists to this board, but was told that I can't create more than 4 lists (even though there are none).

I also can't delete the new board I created.

Thank you!


Hoe zou u deze aangeboden service beoordelen?

Satisfaction mark by wpkarl7777 8 jaar geleden

Thank you for your reply, but I think you are mistaken about only being able to create 3 lists (including the Parking Lot).I have a Parking Lot with 3 lists. I just now created a new board. This new board came with 3 default lists (to do, doing, done). I am able to add tasks to all of these new lists. Therefore, I now have SIX lists (including the Parking Lot).I suspect I could create another new board and then have NINE lists, but I won't do that since you say that I can't delete boards yet.The problem is that if I delete any of these new lists, Weekplan will not let me re-create them.Thank you. Again, I'm using Win 7 and Firefox.

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Support Team
  • Antwoord


The option to delete a board is available now.



I should have added that I am using Firefox on Windows 7.

Aymeric Founder
  • Not a bug

You can't have more than 4 lists in total in the FREE plan (including in your parking lot).

The delete functionality is not available for boards yet (we are prioritizing other features at the moment)

Aymeric Founder

Hi there,

You found a "loophole" in our system. By creating more boards, you can potentially have unlimited lists, since you can just rename these lists.

But really, the FREE plan only allows you to have 3 or 4 lists, so when you try to add a new list, it detects you have too many.

Support Team
  • Antwoord


The option to delete a board is available now.
