Your App is very helpful, thanks for your development. However, the new change that auto rearrange day box automatically is not good as the old style (fixed position). Therefore, it would be great if you could rollback that changes. Many thanks

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Aymeric Founder
Hi Son, the app shouldn't be rearranging the day box. I haven't changed anything there. Can you tell me more in details what the issue is?
Son Tran
Hi Aymeric,

1. This is the fixed day one: Monday --> Sunday & Pending

2. And this is the arranged one: 

I think the fixed one is better while user as me can easy to have a whole week's view.
Aymeric Founder
Citation de Son Tran
Hi Aymeric,

1. This is the fixed day one: Monday --> Sunday & Pending

2. And this is the arranged one: 

I think the fixed one is better while user as me can easy to have a whole week's view.
Oh wow, this is definitely a bug. How do you get this layout? Do you do anything specific?
Son Tran
Hi Aymeric, I did nothing and don't know why. I am using Chrome version 31. In addition, layout is back to fixed one at the moment, it therefore could be sth wrong with browser or css.
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