Everytime I add something to the following week and click back to this week ALL of my changes have gone!

  • updated
  • Fixed
Since this morning (think there have been some updates as it looks a bit different) I cannot add things to the following week without them disappearing. I have tried refreshing the page and also closing my browser and re-opening it. It's very annoying! 
Colin Wilkinson
As of last night, marking an item completed, then moving to another week or view, would result in the completed item being reset -- it wasn't saving the status update on a completed item.
Flameater Flameater
I have the same problem too. Moved incomplete goals to another date make them gone entirely (funny that goals are for WEEKs but when you move them it asks for a specific DATE to move to). And I'm not talking marking goals as complete. I tried adding new TEST goals to my SELF role and these go missing too when I turn to a different week and then come back again.
It doesn't seem to save anything (adding goals, completing goals).
Aymeric Founder
  • Under review
Hi everyone,

the server had some issue over the weekend which explains the problems you experienced. 

Thank you very much for letting me know,

The problems should be gone now.
Aymeric Founder
  • Fixed
Hurah, thanks! 
It's almost scary how dependent I've become on weekplan! ;)
Aymeric Founder
Quote from Rudeboxer
Hurah, thanks! 
It's almost scary how dependent I've become on weekplan! ;)
I am glad you are finding it useful. What is the one feature you love the most?
I guess what I like best is simply being able to plan my week with digital daily todo lists (does that count as a feature?).
I like the clear interface and I'm using multiple workspaces to keep up with both private life and work.
Helps me getting some rest in my head!

Oh and I also like the fact that it keeps being updated with new features all the time!
Even though I'm not using nearly all of them, it's nice to see it progress.
Aymeric Founder
Quote from Rudeboxer
I guess what I like best is simply being able to plan my week with digital daily todo lists (does that count as a feature?).
I like the clear interface and I'm using multiple workspaces to keep up with both private life and work.
Helps me getting some rest in my head!

Oh and I also like the fact that it keeps being updated with new features all the time!
Even though I'm not using nearly all of them, it's nice to see it progress.
Thanks Rudi, I am glad you like the evolution of the app.
Flameater Flameater
Great job Apelli! I like the calendar integration with MS Outlook. Can tasks be integrated too?