Parking lot bug - copies to weekly

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After opening the parking lot, all the items move to the weekly goals list. When page is refreshed, the items go back to the parking lot.

Web app

Как Вы оцениваете обслуживание, которое получили?

Оценка удовлетворенности от pjurek 7 лет назад

Добавьте комментарий о качестве обслуживания (необязательно):

Ana Loraine
  • На рассмотрении

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out.

May we please know which browser you are using? 

Also, if we may please have a screenshot or a short clip for reference? We use Gyazo GIF for taking clips.

Thank you for your patience. Looking forward to your response!

Can I answer via email here? I wouldn't like to post my task list out in the open.
Best regards,
Aymeric Founder
Цитата от pjurek
Can I answer via email here? I wouldn't like to post my task list out in the open.
Best regards,

Please send to thanks.


Hi there,

I have more or less the same issue. It seems like the Unscheduled High Impact Task list show every item form a certain role, not just the High Impact Tasks. It even shows Google Calendar items I marked for a certain role (the Self Role). See the screenshot for a small bit of the Unscheduled High Impact Task list for my 'Self' role.


I use Google Chrome, but Firefox and Microsof Edge have the same issue. 

Like I said: it looks like those lists just show every item for that role, not just the Unscheduled High Impact ones.

Hopefully you can fix this real soon, since this is making it difficult to plan my week.

Keep up the good work!

With regards,



Looks like you guys fixed this bug, thanks!

Ana Loraine
  • Исправлен
Цитата от SjoerdH

Looks like you guys fixed this bug, thanks!

Hi there!

Thank you for your feedback. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance again.

Have a great day!


Fixed indeed, thanks!

Ana Loraine
Цитата от pjurek

Fixed indeed, thanks!

Hi there! 

Thank you for taking the time to inform us. Have a great day! :)