Repeating subtasks

  • updated
  • Answered


I am creating repeating tasks that works fine. The problem comes when I add subtasks to that repeating task, those are not repeated over the repetition of the parent task.

Is there any workaround different to doing manually for each repetition? If not, are you planning to do so in the next?

Kind regards

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Ana Loraine
  • Answered

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out.

Our apologies as the parent tasks does not carry over the notes, comments and subtasks when repeated.

We appreciate the feedback and will pass this along to the our team. It may not be in high priority at the moment but we will have this noted for future improvement.

mulham safi

Hello there,

Any news if this will be on 2018 roadmap?

Ana Loraine
Quote from mulham safi

Hello there,

Any news if this will be on 2018 roadmap?

Hi there,

Thank you for checking on this request.

Currently, we do not have this on our to do list. Our team is focused on other features like the Goals Section, month view, etc. 

Although, we can't tell yet if this will be included within the year. For the meantime, we'd like to see if more users will vote on this request. 

John Steel


Raising this questions again and whether there is a plan to allow parent tasks to carry over the notes, comments and subtasks when repeated.


When you create repetition, its subtask notes and comment copy to all instances. Is it not working for you?

John Steel

Thank you for responding. 

It does work for the creation of the original task and subtasks.   One task becomes many identical tasks.  I guess I was expecting each instance of the original task to be a single task with the same subtasks, and the subtasks carried over from the original could be edited without affecting the same subtask 'carried over' from the original task in all of the recurring instances.  Instead, editing one of the subtasks affects the same subtask in all the other instances of the recurring parent task even though the subtasks are NOT recurring tasks themselves.  To avoid this, the edits must only be made to the parent tasks to allow the originally carried over content to remain intact.