Search Results made Easier

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For the search results, instead of showing one by one or filtering page by page can it show a simple list of the dates when the searched word appears?

Example search: "Meditation"

Purpose: I want to know how many times I meditated 

Example results:

1/24/2016 - Meditation (highlighted) next to whatever sentence it is associated with

3/02/2015 - Meditation

2/19/2014 - Meditation

Answer: 3 times as recorded in Weekplan

Or another example

Example search: "Dental Check up"

Purpose: I want to know when is the last time I went to the dentist

Example results:

11/25/2017 - Dental Check up

Answer: The last time I went to get my teeth check was on November 2017

Is this possible? Obviously the search word should match the entry word

Ana Loraine
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Thank you for taking your time to share this.

We appreciate the feedback and will pass this along to the Dev team. It may not be in high priority at the moment but we will have this noted for future improvement.


Great stuff, thank you!