Is the Goal Tracker still existent? + other feedback from a new trial user
Hi, I'm very new to weekplan as I'm just running the trial version Ultimate v2.122.3. I've been using the FranklinCovey philosophies and systems for several decades, and just happened to stumble on to weekplan. Very nice indeed so far in my trial. However, I don't see the Goals Tracker that's so much documented. I only see Vision, Objectives, Planner and Journal. Is this because it's a trial or perhaps goals were replace by objectives.
I read some of the suggestions below and agree with many of them. The most difficult parts of weekplan I found thus far are
1. the inability to detach sub-tasks from parent tasks or to reassign them to a new parent,
2. the lack of "weekly compass at-a-glance" where I can state the roles, goals and tasks that are in focus for that week.made a workaround by creating a new board called "Weekly Compass".
3. printing my daily or weekly task list
4. Vision, Values and Mission statements as line items instead of free text where I have to number or bullet them myself. This way I can also connect goals and tasks to specific line items.
Hi Aymeric,
I had to cancel our Monday meeting due to an urgent (really Q1 :-) issue. Looking forward to our Friday meeting if possible,
Thank you,
Hi, Ariel!
Thank you for letting us know,
Aymeric is away from his desk at the moment. Please feel free to select a different schedule from our calendar. We'll be more than happy to get back to you on your chosen schedule on Friday.