Is there a chance that roles will be broken out at the bottom again?

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Or do we have to just accept the change / move on?

Pinned replies
Aymeric Founder

What if we introduce a way to see all your backlog grouped by role, a bit like a user suggested, you would have three links: "Schedule Boards Roles"

Like the Boards view, you would be able to see your Schedule on the same page as the Roles board.

We would however keep the Plan of the Week as it is.

Would that solve the contention?

Support Team

Hi Jakob, 

We are sorry for the inconvenience.  Can you please share what error you are getting? Is this email ""  associated with your weekplan account? 


Dev Team


Now it looks great again!

I renewed my ultimate membership but it doesn’t work. Could you please help me to come on track again?

Best regards 

Jakob Essinger 

Skickat från min iPhone

I see you brought back the roles section, but it is working differently than before and in my opinion, this entire process was a step back on user experience and how we use Weekplan.

I used my Board lists as a backlog and whenever time was right - I would move them to my upcoming week roles tasks, which I would then pin into each day or just leave them in the roles tab know that it needed to be done. Now on the Roles tab I see only my Board lists tasks while my pre existing HITs are still completely crammed together on the left - without a proper way of visualizing them.

Now I really don't have a reason to have the ultimate edition for the lists that I used as backlogs, since now I have to keep all tasks together making it much harder to sort through with the ease that was before.

I know you guys always strive to make the product better, but in all honesty this entire release was a disaster (at least for me).

Ana Loraine
  • Answered
Quote from eugeneyan


Hi there!

We are just circling back to inform you that we brought the roles tab back on the app few days ago. :)



Aymeric Founder
Quote from eugeneyan

Hmm the roles section disappear for me. Is this the same for anyone else?

Yes we rolled back because it is causing an issue on iOS app. Will bring back soon


Hmm the roles section disappear for me. Is this the same for anyone else?


I see the roles board, but I don't understand why my existing HITs are not pre-populated in there under the roles they were originally set under?  I want to have a roles area (would have preferred themjust back at the bottom of the main page) where I set my HITs for the week, and then have them appear in "Plan of the week" and on the "Schedule" view when I drag them into a day or time.  I also want the ones I create under "Roles" to be color coded like the HITs that already exist if they are set to Important and Not Urgent, because that means they are high impact.

alcama@yahoo com

Yes, thank you for roles section!


Thank you for the Roles section!