What is work flow when scheduling a HIT for multiple days?
Hey, new user here.
I'm scheduling HIT for multiple days using Ctrl + Left Click Mouse Drag Clone, that however creates multiple separate HIT under objective.
Q: What is fluent work flow when scheduling single task for multiple days?
I’m assuming something like removing objective from task is the answer, but I guess you have thought about this a lot more than I have so asking help. Thx!
Web app
Thx Ana,
Repetition does clone with objective removed, so I assume this is the way it’s meant to be used. I try to adapt to this behavior.
To be quite honest, I though objective is the most important source of motivation to do tasks, removing it feels somewhat shocking at least at first glance.So I might have misunderstood the importance and usage of goals. This would also explain why every sub task with appointed goal is included to High level action plan which I found to be totally counter intuitive earlier.