Old journal entries

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Hello there,

I kinda like the new journal format although I can't seem to edit the old journal entries if I like to. Similarly I cannot seem to access journal entries older than 2 months ago which is pretty annoying as I use the journal a lot for my personal development and I'd like to see what I wrote about then. Am I missing something or is there a bug in the journal that prevents us from scrolling back to earlier entries?

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Support Team
  • Answer

We are happy that issue with journal has been resolved. We will take into account edit feature as future feature.

  • Under review

Hi there,

Thank you for reporting the issue. We will release this fix soon. 



  • Respost

The issue should be fixed now. Let me know if you still have an issue with Journal entries. 

Thank you for your patience. 

Claus D. Hansen

The issue with accessing old journal entries has been resolved - and that is very nice. Thank you very much. It would still be helpful if you could edit them - and not only delete them. So I hope you will re-implement that aspect as well - this was also a feature in the old-journal format.

Support Team
  • Answer

We are happy that issue with journal has been resolved. We will take into account edit feature as future feature.