can't delete pending list

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Hello Week Plan team,

I have a pending list in my parking lot for a role I've since deleted, which I cannot figure out how to remove.

The other pending lists for roles which still exist have the three dots option button, with the options to edit and delete - but the three dots option button doesn't appear on the pending list for the role that doesn't exist anymore.

Can you please help?

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Hi there,

Pending list in the parking lot is a default list and you can't delete it. However, if you want to remove it from a role's t

ask you can click on select in the list drop-down as shown below: 

Let me know if it doesn't help. 




Hi Geeta,

Thanks for getting back to me - apologies for my late reply.

Please see attached a screenshot which better illustrates my problem. You can see I have the three dots menu for the Helioworks pending list, with the option to delete this list. But there is no three dots menu button for the Solarcentury list. That is the list I'd like to remove, as I deleted the Solarcentury role.



  • Solucionado

Hi Steven, 

Thank you for sharing more details. Ah, it seems the "Pending" list, the default list of the parking lot and due to a bug which was in the past you able to rename it. We renamed it to "Pending" and hope this will resolve the issue. 

Thank you!

Quote from Geeta

Hi Steven, 

Thank you for sharing more details. Ah, it seems the "Pending" list, the default list of the parking lot and due to a bug which was in the past you able to rename it. We renamed it to "Pending" and hope this will resolve the issue. 

Thank you!

Thanks! :-D