Hi, I updated info on iphone app but failed to sync back website with data lost. Can I know how to prevent this happenng again? My ID: wcchiao@gmail.com

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Hello, I downloaded and installed the iPhone app. Added some tasks to my parking lot. It failed to upload that to the weekplan.net website. I was logged in at the time. I thought by signing in and out of the iphone app I could sync. But that didn't work and I lost the data I entered on the phone. Now if I can just remember what those important tasks were :-)

Any solution? Thanks!
Aymeric Founder
  • Gestartet
Quote from Nate
Hello, I downloaded and installed the iPhone app. Added some tasks to my parking lot. It failed to upload that to the weekplan.net website. I was logged in at the time. I thought by signing in and out of the iphone app I could sync. But that didn't work and I lost the data I entered on the phone. Now if I can just remember what those important tasks were :-)

Any solution? Thanks!
Hi Chiao! The iPhone app is created by another developer and it would be best to contact him directly so your concern can be addressed expeditiously. His email is daniel@weekplanforiphone.com

Thank you for your patience!
Phil Haggar
How often does the iPhone app sync? I've deleted things (10 minutes ago) on the app, but the online version still has the goals in there? Thanks.

Aymeric Founder
Quote from Phil Haggar
How often does the iPhone app sync? I've deleted things (10 minutes ago) on the app, but the online version still has the goals in there? Thanks.

Try to pull down to refresh data...
WalkerT Hudson
Quote from Nate
Hello, I downloaded and installed the iPhone app. Added some tasks to my parking lot. It failed to upload that to the weekplan.net website. I was logged in at the time. I thought by signing in and out of the iphone app I could sync. But that didn't work and I lost the data I entered on the phone. Now if I can just remember what those important tasks were :-)

Any solution? Thanks!

I'm having this issue too. I had completed tasks via the app, but today I was using the web version and they were not updated. I'll email Daniel to see if there's an update available.

Ana Loraine
  • Fixed
Quote from Aymeric
Try to pull down to refresh data...