Ease of use is unrivalled
A few days back I switched browser to Chrome and i was going through the webstore picking up all sorts of utilities and apps that i fancied using, but there was so much choice. By chance i tried this out second, and i have to say everything since has been somewhat of a disappointment. You set the bar remarkably high an compared with a lot of others that claim to be simple, they're quite frankly a chore.
It has so much potential aswell. Key thing to add though is recurring set appointments/lectures/meetings/classes to save data entry time and they will reappear week in week out, that way i could have my set routine automatically carried over, and just allocate my spare time around those things.
It has so much potential aswell. Key thing to add though is recurring set appointments/lectures/meetings/classes to save data entry time and they will reappear week in week out, that way i could have my set routine automatically carried over, and just allocate my spare time around those things.