Layout is offset when showing / hiding "pending" column

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When showing the "pending" column, all the other columns (but not the headers) to the left are slightly shifted so that the layout gets a bit messy. More, if I hide the "pending" column again, it's not fully hidden, this still shifting the other columns (headers only) to the left..

Image 94

Image 95

EDIT: When I reload the page, the layout "SEEMS" to get fixed, but the "pending" column is still shown -EMPTY- and when I try to hide it by clicking < or >, the contents are shown again. I can not hide the column now, I need to log out and in again.


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Tilfredshedsangivelse af Dennis Bork 8 år siden

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Aymeric Founder
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Wow, what browser do you use? How do you show pending column? (with visible list dropdown?)

Dennis Bork
Hey Aymeric, I am using Firefox 38.0 w/ Xubuntu 14.04. Please read also my edited text above.

I don't fully understand what you mean by "visible list dropdown" ... I have a > to the right of the columns, which, once clicked, is showing the pending column. To hide it again I need to click the < to the left of the columns ... see my screenshots above ... should it look different?
Aymeric Founder
Quote from Dennis Bork
Hey Aymeric, I am using Firefox 38.0 w/ Xubuntu 14.04. Please read also my edited text above.

I don't fully understand what you mean by "visible list dropdown" ... I have a > to the right of the columns, which, once clicked, is showing the pending column. To hide it again I need to click the < to the left of the columns ... see my screenshots above ... should it look different?
What is your screen resolution please?
Dennis Bork
I tested it on my laptop with 1280 x 800 (16:10) and on my external screen with 1280 x 800 (4:3). I know that's quite a low resolution. But still, the display is okay until I show and hide the pending column.
Dennis Bork
Quote from Dennis Bork
I tested it on my laptop with 1280 x 800 (16:10) and on my external screen with 1280 x 800 (4:3). I know that's quite a low resolution. But still, the display is okay until I show and hide the pending column.
Sorry, I meant 1280 x 800 (Laptop) and 1280 x 1024 (external).
Aymeric Founder
I have managed to reproduce this issue on Firefox. It is a low priority item, but I will try to get it fixed.

I started having this problem this week. Only a problem on Chrome, Safari works fine. The problem is I use Chrome for everything!

Aymeric Founder
Quote from TimBling

I started having this problem this week. Only a problem on Chrome, Safari works fine. The problem is I use Chrome for everything!

Could you please send a screenshot of the problem? Could you try to clear your cache?



As you hopefully can see in the screenshot, everything is offset to the right by about 2/3 of a column. I tried clearing the cache but this had no effect. I found I can slide the columns manually right to left to see them, but they used to automatically scale to the window. The L/R scrolling shows that the first column on the left is acting like a frozen space, (see second screenshot below where I've moved everything to the left.)

I don't have this problem if I use Safari. Also, this happens on both the laptop screen (MacAir) and the external display (Thunderbolt). Hope that helps.

Aymeric Founder
Quote from TimBling


As you hopefully can see in the screenshot, everything is offset to the right by about 2/3 of a column. I tried clearing the cache but this had no effect. I found I can slide the columns manually right to left to see them, but they used to automatically scale to the window. The L/R scrolling shows that the first column on the left is acting like a frozen space, (see second screenshot below where I've moved everything to the left.)

I don't have this problem if I use Safari. Also, this happens on both the laptop screen (MacAir) and the external display (Thunderbolt). Hope that helps.

Did you try to clear your cache?