Editing duration of a repeating task does not affect future occurrences

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I am changing the duration of a repeating tasks to 30min but this only changes the current instance, not the future ones, which are remaining set at 15min. I do not have the option to "edit only current instance" (something like that) checked.


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Tilfredshedsangivelse af melcontreras28 8 år siden

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Aymeric Founder
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Do you have the little repeating symbol on the task you have edited?

Quote from Aymeric

Do you have the little repeating symbol on the task you have edited?

Yes. What I am thinking is that maybe because I had so many duplicate repeating tasks because of the bug that was happening before that maybe the reason they don't change is because they belong to a different "series". I hope I explain myself well. I think I will delete all repeating tasks and create new ones to make sure the ones there are all linked together and I can be 100% sure they belong to the same series...

Aymeric Founder
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Closing this item. Feel free to reopen if this error still exists.